“Thanks to NOI for their service and professional approach, I have been working with them for the last 5 years and I am always satisfied with their work. They are the first group I recommend when asked about installation companies in the Los Angeles area.”
— Brett Lawson, Project Manager, National Relocation Services Inc.
“I have worked with NOI guys in the past two major projects for Farmers and Frontier... completed both of my projects on time. They have a lot of installers to complete any project that comes their way. The crew is always in their uniform and have tools ready for any kind of system that we assign to them. They’re very professional in what they do and always complete the project by the deadlines given to them. I will always recommend them to do any of my job’s because I know they will always get my job done right and on time.”
— Ronald S Hunt, Project Manager, National Relocation Service Inc.
“NOI is a fast, detail oriented and customer service driven installation service. They have proven themselves to BKM over and over again. NOI is now and will remain our first choice to fulfill our sub-contracting furniture installation needs.”
— Scott Wearing, Director of Operations, BKM Office Environments